Berean Literal Bible
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The BLB is a word for word translation that takes the reader to the core of the Greek and Hebrew meanings:
1. Parts of speech match as closely as possible in translation from Greek to English.
2. Tense, mood, and voice of verbs are maintained as closely as possible.
3. All tags from the interlinear are maintained so that the word for word translation can be connected back to each element of the original text.
4. Gender is translated to be consistent with the Greek sources (This is also maintained in the Interlinear and Study Bibles).
5. Pronouns that represent Deity are capitalized for clearer study of difficult passages (This format is maintained from the Interlinear and through the Study Bible).
6. Sentence structure is maintained so that, in general, the flow of the longer Greek sentences is not interrupted in the translation to the literal version.
The full version of the Berean Literal Bible is under construction, to include both the New and Old Testaments.
The release date is uncertain as of now. The initial release will be in digital format. There are no current plans for a print version, but this possibility will be revisited at a later date.